Friday, June 18, 2010

Fish Heads, Fish Heads (Roly-Poly Fish Heads)

Be careful what you wish for.

Yesterday I was wishing for something to photograph.  Something NEW.  Something DIFFERENT.  Something INTERESTING.  Was NOT expecting to see THIS on the way to dinner... (then again -  would a person EVER expect to see this?):

Bet you can guess what I DIDN'T have for dinner...

What would possess a person to put giant catfish heads on his fenceposts? (this paricular one has HORNS...and possibly teeth...and is staring at me.)  Giant, real, live (well... used to be alive) whiskered catfish heads.  WHY?  WHY would you do that?  What is the message he is trying to send?  Maybe he just finds the t-posts boring?   Was there a gang of air breathing, 2-legged catfish prowling around eating fenceposts and he just lopped off their bodies and left their heads?  Maybe he doesn't like his neighbors?  Maybe it's a warning of some kind?

Another thing I'm struggling with is why haven't the local varmits eaten the fish heads yet?  Surely the racoons and vultures should have picked the bones clean by now?  And shouldn't there be FLIES? 

Apparently the birds don't like them, either.  

I'm also hoping this person doesn't have a tank/pond on his property big enough to GROW these giants.  Surely he found them somewhere ELSE and brought them home to decorate his fence... ???  Maybe 'decorate' is the wrong word here.

You know... catfish aren't the best looking animals to begin with.  But gosh... their decapitated heads are U.G.L.Y.  

One theory I have is that maybe it's a superstition of some kind?  Like... I just heard recently that if you kill a rattlesnake and throw it's body over a barbed wire fence, it will rain.  Now I'm not prepared to TEST that one or anything, but maybe... maybe it's some sort of fishing superstition?  A tribute to the catfish gods?  Pure speculation, but weirder things have happened, you know.

So... I got my interesting photo(s).  Different?  yes.  Weird?  yes.  Bizzare?  yes.  Disturbing?  maybe. 

That's all I have to say...for now.