Thursday, September 10, 2009

Soccer and Religion

Before I get to the REAL part of this entry, I have to tell you a little "pre-story" stuff. As you probably know, I am the Registrar for our town's soccer league. This means that I make sure that all the kids are registered in the online system, blah blah blah... Anyway - yesterday we had a little issue arise in which a 12 year old boy's family wants him to play on a team with 16 year old boys. I personally think he's too small, but that's not the point here. It is totally up to the Soccer Board to make that decision, and they are working on it. However... emails started going back and forth last night that got me giggling. (Before I go any further - please know I'm absolutely NOT being sacreligious... just put yourself in my position and tell me what YOU would have been thinking!)

Oh, and I should mention that the 12 year old boy's name is Jesus. Yes, yes... I KNOW it's pronounced "Hey-Zeus"...but when you SEE it written (or typed, I guess) - admit it - it's JESUS.

First email I received last night - Subject line:

Adding Jesus temporarily to the team

I had to do a double take. Being that this was the first I'd heard of the situation - I didn't know WHAT he was talking about until I read the body of the email. As I do quite often, I assumed that the person who sent me this email might have a similar sense of humor, so I fired back, "Wow! That'll be a heck of a lineup! Surely they'll win with Jesus on their team?!"

He didn't get it. AT ALL. Sigh... such is my life at times.

I didn't think any more of it... actually had kinda forgotten about it this morning. THEN - the first email I see this morning was this... had the same subject line, then:

"We need a written letter from the parents requesting Jesus to play up that many age groups. Without the letter, I wouldn't even consider allowing Jesus to practice with the team."

Needless to say - I was off again... laughing so hard tears were pouring down my face. I had so many things to SAY... so many questions to ask... but would this man understand? I feared he would not. BUT - the Treasurer certainly would - he's a very funny guy... so I forwarded it to him and asked:

1. Won't it be unfair for Jesus to only play for one team?

2. How does one go about contacting Mary & Joseph? Do they have email? Cell phones?

3. Does anyone on the Board speak Aramaic?

4. Does He have the correct shoes? You know you can't play soccer in sandals.

5. If we decide NOT to let him play... WHO is going to tell Him?

All important questions when considering letting a Supreme Being play in your soccer league... wouldn't you think?

1 comment:

T.A. WAlker said...

If he'll turn the gatoraide into wine... I say let him play.