Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Make it stop...

I am afraid to go downstairs.

They're waiting... at the door at the bottom of the stairs.  At the door to the porch in my bedroom.  At the window sill in the living room.  They follow me.

"Make it stop," they say.

 It started last night.  Molly-cat usually spends most of the night outside with Lewis-cat.  It started raining about 11pm.  Molly scratched on the door to be let in (I'm starting to think that the pretty French doors in my bedroom that lead to the back porch were not such a good idea...)  She came in... meowed...meowed again... I was half asleep so I shut the door and got back into bed.  She immediately scratched at the door to be let back out. 

Lewis was there - he said  "MAAAWWWWRRRRR" - Lewis doesn't "meow" - he MAWR's.  It's pathetic really.  He didn't want to come in.  He just wanted to complain about the rain.  "Make it stop, please," he said. 

Molly ran back out onto the porch - looked at me, looked at the yard and said, "meOW!"  I shut the door and went back to bed.  Impudent little wretch.

She scratched at the door again.  I ignored her for a while, but then got up and let her back in so she woudn't wake Kelly up (dangerous for all involved).  This happened at least every hour all night.  Ever have an argument with a cat at 3am?

Then, this morning, I let her in (still raining) before I took a shower.  She followed me into the bathroom, complaining loudly.  I sat on the floor to pet her - she would have NONE of it.  I went and opened the door again - she ran to the door, but just stood there looking out, looking at me, looking out...you get the idea.  Molly has a VERY large vocabulary for a cat.  I'm not sure exactly what she was saying, but I figure it started out with something like "I'm losing my patience with you - MAKE IT STOP" and went downhill from there.  I probably don't want to know what she really said.  She woudn't go out, so I shut the door and went back to take a shower.  She followed me.  I sat down again and tried to talk to her - she hissed at me.  Then, completely unprovoked, bit me on the foot, complained some more then bit me on the leg.  I jumped in the shower to protect myself.

After my shower, I put her outside...which was a little disturbing because Lewis was at the door just STARING in at me.  He didn't say anything - I guess he'd given up on that.  But I was getting the message anyway - MAKE IT STOP.  I went into the living room - and there was Molly at the window - STARING in... "Make it stop NOW."  Even now I can feel them thinking at me...and it's getting ominous.  I know that if I were to walk down the stairs, there would be mad little cat-faces staring in at me from the doors and windows... "Make it STOP..."

Kinda reminds me of "The Birds."

1 comment:

jckstraw said...

LOL - at least I can relate to the cat who talks a lot. Smoky is a talker. But I like it. I can honestly say that my two boys are very non-assuming and fairly happy go lucky. whew!