Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I want to know... the kitchen floor gets SO dirty?
...why boys stink (literally, not figuratively)?
...why football coaches think they run the world?
...when magazine and book print became so SMALL? the laundry pile multiplies like rabbits when I'm not looking?
...why chocolate cake has so many calories?
...why Middle School vice principals have to terrorize the children the first several weeks of school?
...why so many people think 'Family Guy' is funny? virtual farming can be SO addicting?
...when DO the cows come home?
...why God made scorpions?
...why did they put Disney World in the hottest part of the country?
...did chicken pox come from chickens? (if so - shouldn't we call it Chicken Flu?)
...why I can't be Martha Stewart? much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
...why I always want to take a nap when it rains?
...why some people are just MEAN? to bake bread without a bread machine (that isn't hard like a rock)
...where does mildew come from? Is it always there, on seemingly clean surfaces, just waiting to grow?
...why...hmmmm...I think that's all the questions I have for now.

Pondersome, isn't it?

1 comment:

NJStampinMom / "Lynn" said...

It's scary how well you'd get along with Steven...