It has been called to my attention that not everyone knows what a "Homecoming Mum" is. Hmmm... wonder if it's just a Texas thing? Surely not... maybe a SOUTHERN thing? Football IS big down here...
Anyway - for those of you who have never heard of such... here are a couple of photos of the last one I made (when Jake was in 8th grade). The day of Homecoming, the boys bring their dates a "mum". Usually it is a silk mum, but can be fresh, too. They're generally face sized - lol. And we hang all sorts of ribbons and trinkets and bells and stuff from them (I spend an average of $100 each at the craft store buying all the STUFF... it's a matter of pride, you know!) You can make them as fancy or plain as you like - but the more stuff you cram onto one, the better! If the couple is dating, you put their names on the ribbons. If the boy plays football - you have his jersey number and maybe football charms. In this case, Jake played football and his date was a cheerleader, so I had little cheerleader charms, as well. You can buy a premade/decorated mum at local grocery stores & florists the week before homecoming, but most people like to make their own so they're more personalized. I actually still have my Senior Homecoming Mum somewhere... definitely a keepsake!
Most of the time girls pin them on their shirts, but they can get so big they have to hang them around their neck. I got a little carried away with this one - and kinda forgot that she is a TINY little thing. Her mom had to trim the ribbons so she wouldn't trip over them and it was so heavy it hung down to her navel. Oh well... she loved it anyway (and I bet she still has it!)