Thursday, July 30, 2009

Fun with the Quiltie Ladies

Photos from the quilting retreat I went to last weekend with some of my favorite Quiltie Ladies...

This is my friend Cindy and me - we used to spend every Saturday together at the quilt shop she worked at. I don't get to see her very often any more - but we sure make up for lost time! :)

We all worked on quilts from Eleanor Burn's new book "Night & Day" and for once, I did not make the smallest size. I SHOULD have made the smallest size...LOL - gosh what a lot of work! I finished all of the blocks and got them put together into top, but still have 3 borders to add... don't know WHEN because I am DONE working on this quilt for a while! Oh well - maybe I'll finish it this weekend? I really would like to see it done!

These sweet ladies are Mary (our hostest - the retreat was held at her beautiful Cimarron Ranch) and Angela (our teacher for the weekend.)

I only got 1 good shot of most of us together (Mary had to leave for a birthday party and I was taking the photo). Angela had us do Show & Tell, then we played a trivia game for fun quiltie prizes! We had so much fun! ;)

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