Oh, how I love having boys... such interesting creatures.
Last night we had several power outages from the crazy winds that were blowing. The first one was at about 10pm and lasted apprx. 1.5 hours. During this time, Jake, Jackson & I sat in the livingroom in the dark and talked. (apparently after seeing Paranormal Activity 3 last year, they were a little uncomfortable SLEEPING during a power outage... go figure... dark... sleeping...? whatever.) So we talked.
First up was Toby, the demon from PA3. Would he or would he not come after ME? I haven't seen the movie, but apparently either I would just be killed outright, or ignored... they couldn't come to an agreement about this, although I'm hoping for the latter. They also discussed which side of the attic Toby might live in - each convinced that he stays above the OTHER'S bedroom.
THEN we walked about the feasibility of jumping off the roof into the wind using a bed sheet as a parachute. Jake wondered how far he'd fly? I wondered how hard he'd land. Jackson just said he should definitely go for it. Jake DOES live in a different version of reality than most of us...
The topic that got the most discussion was Zombies. Jake wanted to make sure that we all knew our positions/duties just in case we were attacked by Zombies during the power outage. Jackson, he said, was to man the upstairs windows. Jake was going to unlock the shotguns and be ready to blast them through the upstairs bathroom window if they tried breaching the roof. "I" was the downstairs person. (????) I would be armed with a machete (the unsharpened one he has hanging on his wall?...sigh) and if they tried to come in through windows or doors DOWNSTAIRS, I was to chop off their heads. I told him I would much prefer to be the upstairs person. "Fine," he said, "I'll come downstairs with the guns." Why can't I have the guns??? Jackson brought up a concern... what if they were NAZI Zombies? Apparently that is a whole 'nother situation, and I would be relegated to hiding upstairs while he and Jake took care of them, since they have experience (don't ask.) Oh, and for some reason, the Nazi Zombies would come up out of the creek out back. They said it could be an old burial ground. "Nazi burial ground? In my back yard? In Texas?" I asked? Ummm.... "Well fine," Jake said, "maybe they're INDIAN Zombies - which are even WORSE." I personally have never heard of Indian Zombies - but I'm sure there are a lot of things I don't know about.
OK then. I'm going to bed... good luck with Toby, Grandma and the Zombies. Let me know when I need to hide upstairs. Love you and goodnight!
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