Thursday, March 4, 2010

Two Facts & Two Questions

Just a few quick thoughts tonight...something that just occurred to me.

Fact #1:  My home phone number is very close to our local police station's number.  The last four digits of MY number are 1136... the police station is 3611.  I learned this within 2 days of moving into our new house in 1999.  We moved in on a Thursday, got our first call Friday night about midnight.  It went something like this:

Me - "Hello" (veeery sleepy voice)
Caller - "Is this the police?"
Me - "ummm, no???"
Caller - "This is not the police station?"
Me - "No, this is my house."
Caller - "Did the police station change their number?  What is the number for the police station?"
Me - "I don't know.  All I know is you called my house.  What number did you dial?"
Caller - "Are you NEAR the police station?"
Me - "No..."
Caller - "Is this 693-3611?"
Me - "No - this is 1136, you switched the numbers."
Caller - "Are you sure?"
Me - "Well... I think so..."

Anyway... this has happened many, many times.  Usually on weekend nights, especially on Holidays, and ALWAYS after midnight.  Why do people call the police station after midnight, anyway?  Wouldn't they dial 911 if there was an emergency?  It used to aggravate me, but now, even in my sleep, I can tell them the correct number to dial.  No problemo.

Fact #2:  I am the registrar for the local soccer association.  Approximately 57 billion people in Marble Falls and surrounding towns have my phone number (give or take a and it's posted on the association's website and registration flyers, too.  A lot of people call me... a LOT... mucho lotto.

Question #1:  If so many people who are trying to call the police station call ME... how many people who are trying o call ME, call the police station?  Hmmmm???  I never stopped to think about that before.  Until tonight.  Tonight when I got home from soccer practice (and, God help me, "Junior Parent Night" at the High School which-I-am-totally-not-prepared-for-but-that's-another-story) and had TWELVE, yes TWELVE new soccer voice mails.

Question #2:    Should I call the police station and see if I have any messages?????

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